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Sculptra® Aesthetic

Facial volume loss comes in many forms due to a spectrum of different reasons including weight loss, illness, aging, and genetic causes. Regardless of the cause, a face absent of fullness in certain key places is usually unattractive. When the volume loss is due to ill health, restoring fullness creates a healthier appearance. Or, for situations where the natural forces of aging shrinks the face in key areas like the cheeks, temples and around the mouth, refilling these deficient zones reverses the aging process and reclaims youthfulness.

If any of the aforementioned reasons for facial volume loss is to be corrected, Sculptra® Aesthetic has unique and suitable qualities to accomplish this conveniently in an office setting. Over a series of injections, usually two to four set six weeks apart, portions of the face that have developed volume loss can be refilled. The improvements appear gradually as Sculptra® stimulates collagen synthesis – collagen is a natural-occurring substance in the body’s soft tissues which becomes depleted with aging or ill health. This newly-made collagen is significantly more durable than Restylane® or JUVÉDERM® (hyaluronic acids, or HA), which is the reason why Sculptra® results last for two years or more as compared to the 6-9 months that is expected for the HAs. The superior longevity for Sculptra® is perhaps its greatest.

Featured Cases
Before bna-sample
After bna-sample
Before bna-sample
After bna-sample

Sculptra® Case Study

Before: Sculptra® injected into the cheeks and infraorbital rims in 2 sessions.
After: Six-month result after the first injection and four months after the second. Dramatic filling in the injected areas is particularly appreciated in the lateral views where the lower lids are canted forward and shortened due to the fuller cheeks.

If you examine these photos closely, you will note several things:

  1. The infraorbital rims, particularly laterally, become less defined with treatment. This can be seen in the frontal and right oblique photos.
  2. The height of the lower lids lessen as the cheeks rise. This is seen in the lateral views.
  3. The angle of the lower lids seen in the lateral images tilts forward as compared to the more vertical orientation of the lower lids pre-treatment.

The Aging Face

Here is a set of computerized images that aptly display how the face typically changes from 25 to 55 years:

If you would like more information on Sculptra® Aesthetic, or if you would like to schedule a consultation with our plastic surgeon, Dr. Eric Okamoto, please contact Fremont Plastic Surgery today.

*Individual results may vary