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Join Us For a miraDry® Seminar on September 14, 2017

Our practice will be offering an informative seminar on miraDry® this coming September. miraDry® is an FDA-approved, non-invasive treatment to eliminate sweat and odor glands under the armpits. Many of our patients love this treatment because they experience a significant reduction in the need for deodorant, there is little to no recovery time, and only one treatment is usually necessary. Results from this non-surgical treatment are typically immediate and long-lasting for most of our patients.

This exciting seminar allows us to provide patients interested in miraDry® with more information. The event will take place on Thursday, September 14, 2017 from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. at our plastic surgery practice on Mowry Ave. Join us for complimentary hors d’oeuvres and beverages as you learn how you can throw away your tubes of deodorants and antiperspirants in celebration of this revolutionary treatment. Here is the lineup for the evening:

To learn more about our miraDry® seminar, or to ask any questions about the treatment, please call 866-514-7155 or contact us today.