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Bay Area Plastic Surgeon on the Breast Augmentation Consultation Process

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Dr. Eric Okamoto of Fremont Plastic Surgery discusses the detailed consultation process for the breast augmentation procedure.

Fremont, CA – Dr. Eric Okamoto, a board certified plastic surgeon in Fremont, believes in the importance of an informative and thorough consultation process for his breast augmentation patients. The procedure is one of the most requested in his practice and with many options available, Dr. Okamoto structures his consultations by starting with a breast examination, discussing four key questions and explaining the risks and complications.

In the consultation, Dr. Okamoto begins with questions about the patient’s general aesthetic outlook and medical history and follows them with a complete breast examination, taking key measurements. Once the specific patient information is recorded, he opens up the discussion to the following talking points for breast augmentation options:

Multiple implant types are available, and Dr. Okamoto generally offers any FDA-approved implant if special requests are made. The most basic classification of implants is saline vs. gel. Advantages/disadvantages for each are discussed. Depending on the type of implant, the incision location decision may be influenced. Dr. Okamoto favors both the areola incision and under the breast in the infra-mammary fold, since scarring is much less obvious. With a saline implant, he explains the 1 ½-inch incision can be anywhere, but he will often recommend an infra-mammary fold if a patient chooses a silicone implant since the required incision length is usually considerably longer.

Another option that can completely change a patient’s breast augmentation results is where the implant is placed–above or below the pectoralis major muscle. Dr. Okamoto usually recommends the implant go under the muscle for reasons that will be explained during the consultation.

An appropriate amount of time is spent deciding on how to choose the preferred size of the implant. Dr. Okamoto will discuss several methodologies he uses to make his determination. All of these methods rely heavily upon the patient’s input with the understanding that some requests cannot be honored due to individual anatomic constraints which sometimes places a patient’s desires outside of what can be reasonably accomplished. Bottom line, Dr. Okamoto will try to listen carefully and attempt to come to a mutual agreement about size as much as possible.

Multiple post-surgical follow-up visits are schedules for each patient to assist the healing phase. Dr. Okamoto encourages reasonable activity almost immediately after surgery–as long as an activity does not cause too much discomfort, healing is usually expedited with early usage of the arms and torso.

About Eric Okamoto, MD

Dr. Eric Okamoto has been a plastic surgeon in private practice since 1983. While his Fremont practice is dedicated to cosmetic plastic surgery, he also has experience in reconstructive surgery. Dr. Okamoto earned his medical degree from UCLA in 1972, where he was an Otolaryngology student, specializing on the ear, nose and throat. In 1984 he shifted his focus to his current passion, plastic surgery, training at the University of Wisconsin. That same year he became certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Today, Dr. Okamoto is affiliated with both the Washington Hospital in Fremont as well as the Washington Outpatient Surgery Center in Fremont. He is available for interview upon request.