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Fremont Plastic Surgeon on Patients’ Tummy Tuck Options

plastic surgeon in Fremont, mommy makeover, tummy tuck, Dr. Eric Okamoto

Dr. Eric Okamoto of Fremont Plastic Surgery considers a patient’s history, appearance and goals when recommending the best tummy tuck procedure for their unique case.

Fremont, CA – Dr. Eric Okamoto, a leading plastic surgeon in Fremont, eliminates patients’ excess skin and fat while tightening up the central abdominal muscles through the tummy tuck procedure, also known as an abdominoplasty. It is a popular request among his patients to address trouble areas that diet and exercise cannot alleviate. During the consultation process, Dr. Okamoto discusses the various options available and considers how a patient’s history, appearance and set of goals could affect their potential results from undergoing the operation.

In the tummy tuck consultation, Dr. Okamoto conducts a thorough history and physical examination of the abdomen and surrounding areas, including the hips, flanks and lower back. If his patients inquire about a Mommy Makeover, the consultation is extended, and a breast consultation is included. According to Dr. Okamoto, the type of procedure that best suits a patient ultimately depends upon the goals and appearance of the problem areas. A tummy tuck, a modified tummy tuck or even liposuction can all be discussed as individual operations. By the end of the consultation, Dr. Okamoto will generally make a recommendation to which procedure is most appropriate for the patient.

Oftentimes, Dr. Okamoto’s patients requesting a tummy tuck will have excess fat that cannot be eliminated with a tummy tuck alone. As a result, he presents liposuction to accompany the procedure. If it directly applies to the abdominal area, the operation can be done without extra charge, being considered as part of the tummy tuck procedure. However, if the unwanted fat goes beyond the abdomen, such as to the hips, flanks and back, then liposuction can be discussed as an additional procedure to the tummy tuck.

After the tummy tuck procedure, Dr. Okamoto requires patients to stay overnight. By doing so, nurses are able to help them move around in their most sensitive hours following the surgery. The length of the recovery period varies according to the patient and the extent of their procedure, but typically, it takes up to six to eight weeks to experience a full recovery and begin to feel like themselves again. However, most of Dr. Okamoto’s patients are able to return to work after about three weeks. To promote a faster, smoother healing process, he recommends patients be active early on in their post-op process.

About Eric Okamoto, MD

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eric Okamoto has been in private practice for the past 30 years in Fremont, California. His vast experience influences his dedication to high-quality patient care as well as his precision with plastic surgery procedures. Dr. Okamoto earned his medical degree from UCLA and was specialty trained at Stanford University in Otolaryngology. With a passion for cosmetic surgery, Dr. Okamoto attended University of Wisconsin in Madison a few years later for specialty training in plastic surgery. He became a member of the highly esteemed American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in 1988. Dr. Okamoto is available for interview upon request.