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How Can I Tighten Loose Skin After Weight Loss?

Losing weight is hard work, and most individuals who accomplish their weight loss goals understandably want to celebrate their achievement. With that in mind, some people find themselves facing a new and possibly unexpected challenge following significant weight loss: sagging, loose skin that is having a compromising effect on their body contours. This can be due to stretching of the skin in certain areas before the weight was lost, which has led to alterations in the structure of the skin that may not be reversible with traditional diet and fitness regimens or non-surgical treatment options. However, there are surgical solutions that can effectively address these concerns and give the skin a tighter look and feel while providing more defined contours. Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Eric Okamoto, MD, offers treatment options such as tummy tuck surgery, arm lift surgery, and thigh lift surgery that can be very helpful for aesthetic improvement in some of the body regions most affected by loose skin after major weight loss.

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

Tummy tuck surgery can be especially beneficial. It is very common for loose, stretched skin to appear in the abdominal region, and a tummy tuck can remove the excess skin and give the remainder a firmer appearance and a more fit-looking contour.

Arm Lift

Both weight loss and the passage of time can produce collections of noticeably loose and inelastic skin in the upper arms. An arm lift, medically referred to as “brachioplasty,” excises the extra skin and pulls the remaining skin taut. This procedure essentially reshapes the upper arms to create a more toned and smooth look.

Thigh Lift

A thigh lift focuses on loose skin affecting the thighs, which is another very common area for this concern to occur. Thigh lift surgery removes the excess skin and tightens the remainder to enhance both contour and skin firmness. This procedure offers both aesthetic and functional benefits, allowing many individuals to exercise more comfortably and diminish the possibility of chafing and skin irritation.

If you have lost a substantial amount of weight and are looking for options to address loose skin that has appeared as a result, Dr. Okamoto can meet with you in a consultation to discuss your concerns. If post-weight loss body contouring treatments such as tummy tuck surgery, arm lift surgery, and/or thigh lift surgery are right for your needs, our surgeon can develop a customized treatment plan designed to achieve your goals.

Please contact Dr. Okamoto today with any additional questions you may have, or to schedule a consultation.