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The Many Benefits for Non-Surgical Ultherapy®

OSUFacelift2At Fremont Plastic Surgery, we are proud to offer some of the most advanced treatment options available for cosmetic enhancement. Among these is Ultherapy®, a device that reverses many of the signs of aging via the magic of ultrasound. It is not as powerful as facelift surgery, but should be considered as a viable alternative for those seeking a more gentle result for skin tightening.

Dr. Eric Okamoto performs Ultherapy® in a convenient office-based environment. This is a technological advance offering many of the following benefits:

Ultherapy® is an attractive option for four general classes of individuals interested in cosmetic rejuvenation: (1) those showing early signs of aging; (2) those disinterested in surgical options; (3) those who have had prior rejuvenation surgery experiencing minor areas of relapse; (4) those with sun-damaged décolletage

If you want to learn more about the tightening effects from this cosmetic option, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our experienced plastic surgeon, where he can help you determine the most beneficial solution for your aesthetic goals.